Format: Individual Match Play
Entry fee: $60
Payouts in Golf Shop Scrip
Flights based on index and tee preference (based on participation)
Seeding based on indexes
Indexes used will be the average of players' current and low handicap indexes. These same indexes will be used for the entire event.
Each pairing will mutually agree on time and date, play their match, and report the results to the Golf Shop.
Starts June 27th
1st match must be completed no later than July 11th
2nd match must be completed no later than July 25th
3rd match must be completed no later than August 8th
4th match must be completed no later than August 22nd
To sign up click the link below and use the GGID code: HNZVGE to sign in to Golf Genius. Please select your tee preference when registering for the event.